Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Google Reader Feeds

Google Reader offers some tools that allow you to tag and share your favorite blog posts and news feeds. With a couple clicks, you can create a widget to add to your blog.

See the sidebar on this page? Any articles I tag in my Google Reader as "cheapo" show up in one widget. Any thing I tagged with "web resources" shows up in the second.

Now I have two little sections that update themselves as I find useful articles to share.

And I don't even have to blog about it! Now I can be cheap and lazy!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Collaboration and Project Management

In the search for a decent (And free. Of course!) project management application, I came across a site called Central Desktop that offers an interesting and pretty powerful free version of their collaborative project management service.

It has calenders, task lists, forums, document uploading, and even spreadsheet and word doc creation, similar to google docs, with the added bonus of being able to comment on everything. The comments can be sent to any member's email, which they can then reply to and have the response end up on the site without ever going to the site themselves.

With their free version you can have two 'workspaces' as they call them with up to five users getting access to each. Each workspace is actually capable of handling quite a bit.

Worth checking out if you have big projects to coordinate with groups of people.

Central Desktop

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Free Photoshop! (almost)

I had Photoshop 5 on my PC for years, but eventually transitioned to my current Mac Powerbook and haven't been able to afford a new copy of Photoshop. I had to keep using my old PC and old Photoshop in order to do any graphics or photo editing.

I searched for cheap photo editing software and found Gimp at Free Mac Ware.

It does a lot of the complex photo editing tasks that Photoshop does with a similar layout.

Best of all - 100% free!

Amazing Screen Capture Software

Just found Jing - an amazingly versatile screen capture program that captures everything on your monitor as you work. You can capture video or pics. With pics, you can add arrows, text, and highlighted areas.

I will be using it to create some tutorial videos for my Five Day DVD site.

Free Mac Software

This is one of my favorite sites. Tons of FREE software for your Mac.

FreeMacWare Offers the best collection of searchable FREEWARE and shareware (almost free) I've seen.